The International Dialing Code for Vietnam is +84.

You will almost certainly be able to use your existing mobile phone on in Vietnam, assuming it is a GSM SIM card model. You should check to see if it’s locked to your home network but even then, it’s cheap and straightforward to have it unlocked in Vietnam, meaning you’ll then be able to use it on any network in the World.

Pre-paid SIM cards are available everywhere in Vietnam and are easy to obtain. There is a law that states you should produce a Vietnam ID card when buying a SIM card but this only applies to Vietnamese nationals and does not affect foreigners.

The three big players in the cellular market are Vinafone, Viettel and Mobiphone.

SE Asia Cruisers Net


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Vietnam was last updated 2 years ago.

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  1. December 6, 2019 at 6:13 AM
    luckysailor99 says:

    Hi, I am Reinhard. We (my wife and myself) sail our Ovni 435, named “Exit Strategy” under Flag of Austria and would like to visit Vietnam in March/April 2020, furthermore we would like to pick up 2 friends in Vietnam and sail later to Malaysian Islands. What authority issues we have to prepare?

    1. February 3, 2020 at 3:57 PM
      profile photo
      sue-richards says:

      Hi Reinhard,
      Sadly Vietnam still seems very much “off limits” to foreign yachts. The latest information we have on formalities is in the Vietnam formalities section – It appears using a clearance agent can ease the process, however, we don’t have any contacts in that area. Even the new South China Sea pilot says “make absolutely certain that all your paperwork is in places. Yachts without the correct paperwork have been impounded and crew have spent several days in prison.” It however does not indicate exactly what paperwork is required.
      Quite possibly the simplest option is to leave the boat in Malaysia and travel overland to Vietnam.
      I will however put some feelers out and see if we can get some more up to date information for you.

    2. August 14, 2020 at 1:28 AM
      mjaumock says:

      I’m in Vietnam. If I can help (and I’m quite sure I can) please let me know.

    3. October 26, 2020 at 5:27 PM
      francescorrigan says:

      Hi Michael. I am buying a Seawind1260 and the plan was to pick it up from Vietnam but that will be delayed now. I have some questions about purchasing items from a chandlery in Vietnam but can’t really see too much information on line. Would you be able to give me some advice?

    4. February 14, 2020 at 8:16 PM
      profile photo
      eddiesmit says:

      Ruurd van Putten is a Dutch guy providing several yachting services. Contact him at

  2. September 23, 2019 at 11:33 PM
    mjaumock says:

    It’s spectacular cruising grounds, to be sure. We are working daily to open things up and simplify the process.
    It’s a grind, but we are making slow and steady progress.
    Ana Marina plans to open in Q-4 2019, and hopefully that will create a little momentum in the ministry offices.
    If I can be of any help, feel free to get in touch
    Michael Aumock

    1. September 24, 2019 at 12:15 AM
      josef-fuchs says:

      Hi this is Josef..I have a 43 Gulfstar presently in Philippines verry interested to sail Vietnam
      Taking my Philipiena along would I proceed??

    2. September 26, 2019 at 12:22 AM
      mjaumock says:

      Realistically you are looking at Q2 2020 for relatively easy access, unless you want to flag it as Vietnamese

    3. October 14, 2019 at 6:17 AM
      johgiri1 says:

      Hi Michael, it appears that the email address is not working. Is there another email address?
      Thank You.
      Johnathan G.A.Bravo

  3. May 14, 2019 at 2:23 PM
    rivierawillie says:

    Am keen to cruise Vietnam but it still seems a bit of a struggle.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Apart from the new “Ana Marina” in Nha Trang – are there any other marinas in Vietnam?

    Are there any other marinas planned or mooted??

    Is it still a nightmare to cruise in Vietnam?