Ziguinchor - General Info

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This port lies 53 kilometers (33 miles) up the Casamance river.

There is a depth of five meters (15 feet ) over the bar at the river entrance, after which the minimum depth in the navigable channel is nine meters (30 feet). A large swell would make the entrance challenging.

The middle channel is marked by buoys, but the river should only be navigated in daylight.

Immediately to starboard on entering the river is a side channel lined with mangroves. It is possible to anchor here next to the small village of Cachouane.


12° 32.76’N, 16° 46.82’W (river entrance)

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Ziguinchor was last updated 6 years ago.

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  1. August 25, 2018 at 2:27 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Kyla Fuller says:
    Aug 10, 2018 12:34 PM
    We arrived in Zinguichor directly from The Gambia without going to Dakar first. I can not recommend anyone else to do this. Overall the experience with the authorities here has been horrible. Mandatory military checkpoints are along the river and tributaries, we were not told by the customs or military they were required but we got in trouble each time we passed one (they are difficult to see).

    Once we were forced to stop sailing and anchor, another time we were forced to go back 2NM to a dangerous jetty where the current pinned us for 6 hours. The military all carry large machine guns in an aggressive manner and are by no means friendly or provide an explanation for these requirements.

    The Port authority in Zinguichor demanded 160€ at check in showing us a paper saying the money is for a river cruising permit. After returning many times, and explaining we cannot afford such a large fee and undergoing a very stressful and unpleasant day, the port captain in the end chose to waive the fee when we said that we would leave Senegal directly. After going to 3 offices for customs, we went to the airport, where a plain clothed police man demanded we pay again for a visa for the country. We showed him online there are no visas needed for our passports, he flashed his gun at us and told us to pay him what we thought it was worth. We declined again and asked for any document saying that the fees are required, he said it doesn’t exist. In the end we didn’t pay but felt extremely uncomfortable, and he put an exit stamp in our passport for only 1 week as punishment forcing us to leave by this date because we refused to pay his bribe.
    The local people here are friendly and the river is beautiful but our experience is severely marred by the military and authorities. It is hard to feel welcome when treated like this.

    On the other hand The Gambia was very pleasant, we had to pay 40€ each to enter. We wish we had skipped Senegal and stayed longer in The Gambia.