Kieta - Docking

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The anchorage at Keita is deep and well protected and was the sight of a thriving yacht club pre-crisis. The best place to anchor is in Kobuan Bay, off the old yacht club.


Do not travel to the other wharf area near Loloho (5km to the north). This is under the control of gangs involved in the illegal export of scrap metal.


There are no repair facilities. Fuel is available by jerry jug and water at the dock but is only delivered in ship-sized hoses as this is a commercial port.

Basic provisions can be found in Arawa township over the hill.

Last updated:  August 2017

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Kieta was last updated 8 years ago.

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  1. October 26, 2017 at 2:52 AM
    Data Entry5 says:

    There is now a permanent Customs/Immigration Officer at the Customs shed in Kieta now, his name is Jeffrey, a very pleasant guy. There are no provisioning facilities in Kieta we traveled by police land rover to Arawa for a fee of 50 kina.

    Provisioning in Arawa is very basic and still suffers from the riots with many buildings burned out or destroyed. The anchorage in Kieta is safe, sheltered and good holding at the west end of the bay.