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Montserrat - Clearance

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The SailClear advance web notification service for clearance is now operational in Montserrat. 

All the SailClear online forms should be completed in advance.  However there is a computer terminal at Customs in Little Bay where details can be entered on arrival.


Advance Notification:

Before arriving, it is recommended to contact the Port Authority on VHF Channel 16 to check on conditions. VHF Ch:16 is monitored 24/7 by the Port Authority.

Ports of Entry:

Little Bay is now the island’s only Port of Entry.  Clearance formalities are undertaken at the Little Bay Ferry Terminal which has recently undergone an upgrade and facelift in preparation for the upcoming tourist season.

General Process:

No crew or passengers must land before clearance is granted.

Customs and Immigration:  

  • Check in here first.  As you come off the jetty you will see a sign over a door at the warehouse.
  • Customs and Immigration are open 08:00-16:00 from Monday to Friday.  Vessels arriving outside these hours can either wait aboard at anchor until the office re-opens or request an ‘out of hours’ check-in.
  • There is no charge for clearance, unless outside of working hours and weekends. In the case of after-hours requests, Port Security will contact Customs Officers to facilitate this process.

Port Authority: 

  • After visiting the C&I officer, check in with the Port Authority who is also in the warehouse. Clearance from the previous port must be submitted to the Port Authority.
  • All fees are paid to the Port Authority (see Fees below).
  • To avoid being stopped at the port gates, check in with Port Security.
  • Port Authority website:

Domestic Cruising:

If a visiting vessel intends to stay a few days in Montserrat, they can request and obtain a Coastal Cruising authorization from Customs and Immigration, which gives them permission to land at any authorized beach outside of the official Exclusion Zone for a period of up to seven days days.  There is no cost for this permit.

Even if you intend to dinghy ashore to the beach in Little Bay this authorization is required.


International Clearance:

Yachts can obtain clearance in and out at the same time if staying 72 hours or less. If staying longer, there is no additional charge, but you will have to return to Customs to do the paperwork again. Only Customs needs to be visited for departure. There is no departure tax.


Last updated:  December 2022

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Montserrat was last updated 2 years ago.

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  1. March 7, 2019 at 11:32 AM
    Data Entry says:

    We enjoyed our visit at Montserrat.
    Visiting the volcanic-buried town of Plymouth was a special experience of a lifetime.

    The Montserrat Tourism Division, phone +1664 491 4703, was very helpful in finding a tour guide. We connected with L&Yve’s Tours, phone +16644935031, visit Plymouth and many more. We enjoyed the tour with highly recommended guides.

  2. March 15, 2015 at 4:29 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Free Wifi in the harbour. Try to go during the week as museums and Volcano Observatory are closed not the weekend.

  3. March 12, 2014 at 6:57 PM
    Data Entry says:

    I can recommend the following Tour Guide – Joe Philips. His knowledge of the island and it’s history is extensive and he complements the tour with pictures and videos of the island both before and after the extensive volcano devastation. At the end of the tour he will email a link to some of the information that he has provided. His tours last 3-5 to 4 hours.Contact details are:
    Joe Phillip
    Box 432
    West Indies
    Phone: 1-(664)-492-1565
    Marine VHF Channel 08: Avalon