- The Ultimate Cruisers Planning Tool

COVID-19: Entry protocols for yachts have been affected by the pandemic. See the Biosecurity section for details.


Violation of these Clearance Rules may incur fines from $500/person to $10,000/yacht.

Advance Notification:

Notification with anticipated arrival date and time through email is required 72 hours before arrival to all departments. If not able to do this while under way, a notification email should be sent prior to departure to the following email addresses:

  • Port Authority –
  • Sea Patrol –
  • Customs –
  • Immigration –
  • Quarantine/Biosecurity –

Information to include in email:

  • Anticipated arrival date
  • Boat name
  • Description of boat
  • Captain name
  • Number of crew
  • Where departing from
  • MMSI number (if applicable)

If you wish to contact Customs and Immigration in advance use the following numbers:
Customs: +692 625-8606
Immigration: +692 625-8633

Cruisers Net: 0730 Monday-Saturday, VHF channel 71.
SSB Yokwe Net: Daily 0745 on channel 6.224.

Ports of Entry: 

Majuro, the capital, is currently the only manned port for arrival and departure.

Two other arrival/departure ports are available at this time at Ebeye and Jaluit. Yachts will be charged to fly staff in if they wish to utilize these ports for entry or exit.

For a variety of reasons, it is highly recommended that yachts clear in at Majuro.

General Process:

Upon arrival to the Majuro Atoll pass, hail Port Authority and Sea Patrol on VHF channel 16. Also, hail existing yachts in Majuro on channel 71 to see if anyone is available to assist. Move to channel 68 or 74 for conversation.

Yachts are to proceed directly to the area between the Tide Table/RRE Mooring field and Delap Park. There are mooring fields with balls to pick up for a fee or anchoring. Mooring availability and fee rates vary. Confirm on channel 71 if a mooring is available. Do not anchor or stop at any other area within the lagoon. Do not block ship traffic around the Uliga dock. Avoid anchoring in this area. Do not tie up to the Uliga Dock.

Arriving boat crew and captain must remain on board, under quarantine flag, until cleared by all departments.

The RMI departments will organize a boarding party to come out to the yacht. This may take a day or two, during normal business hours.

Weekend and after hours check-in may not be available. To avoid overtime fees, try to arrive during business hours (Monday to Friday). See Fees section for details.

Any fees to be paid need to be in US currency. Currently there are no ATM’s available. Bank of the Marshall Islands and Bank of Guam are operating in Majuro.

Location of Offices:

  • Customs are located in the building known as Ann’s Palace (a multi-story, peach-colored building opposite the Marshall Islands Resort). This is about 10 minutes from the shoreline. Customs is on the ground floor.
  • Immigration are located in the green Mako Building, which is a three minute walk from Customs on the same side of the road.
  • Port Authority are currently located in the 2nd level of the new blue MIMRA building, but are expected to move to Uliga commercial dock once their office is finished.

Remember for men to wear a collared shirt and trousers and for women a dress or skirt that reaches below the knee.

Domestic Cruising:

Entry/Cruising Permits are required for every atoll to be visited. See Outer Islands page for more details.

If a yacht wants to visit the outer islands, the boat must have an AIS transceiver which must be kept on while moving.


International Clearance:

See Location of Offices above.

  • Souvenirs, handicrafts, and shells collected while in RMI need to be taken to RND (Quarantine/Biosecurity) for them to state items have been cleared before departure.
  • Go to the Port Authority building to pay the departure fee. Cash only. See Fees.
  • The Port Authority receipt (check for correct spelling and information) needs to then be taken to Customs, to start compiling the exit paperwork.
  • Finally, take all documents to Immigration.
  • A time will then be arranged for a departure boarding party of government officials to visit the yacht. The yacht will be inspected and the original check-in documents compared to the exit paperwork. At this time, passports, yacht information and pictures will be uploaded into a Pacific Islands Maritime App, currently being utilized throughout the Pacific, that also logs your next port of call.
  • Once everything is completed, an outbound clearance will be issued.

Yachts have 24 hours to depart Majuro.

Procedures are subject to change.

Last updated:  October 2022

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Marshall Islands was last updated 2 years ago.

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  1. April 24, 2022 at 7:25 PM
    commodoremark says:

    If you violate Marshallese Border restrictions and enter any atoll, you may be subjected to a $10,000 fine, your boat impounded and crew/captain jailed until being deported, or on a case by case determined penalty basis.

    A yacht has recently (March 2022) been finned $10,000 for violating the above Marshallese Border restrictions.

    Commodore Mark Stearns BSME
    MIECO Beach Yacht Club, Marshall Islands

  2. January 6, 2018 at 9:24 PM
    Data Entry3 says:

    2018 Update for Bikini. The procedure for visiting Bikini Atoll has changed for a year. IA (Island Affairs) will issue cruising permits for all atolls, including Bikini, without special fees.

    Some atolls may require special permissions due to local conditions but no extraordinary fees are involved. The $5000 fee seems to have been a passing whimsy.

    It’s also possible to volunteer to carry needed supplies to the outer islands, the resulting goodwill may even bring in a fee waiver and is a very positive way to meet the locals. Check-in IA to volunteer.

  3. December 11, 2017 at 2:14 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    Have visited immigration 4 times this week to confirm and reconfirmed the following. As a Canadian, also applies to all other countries listed above under standard tourist visit, we are now given 90 free on arrival by yacht. NO extensions will be given. You must leave the country and return with new clearance papers from another port to gain another 90 days free.

    No limit on how many days you must be away. There are NO 6-month visas. To apply for a one year visa is $200 US each person and that application must be made with 14 days of arrival. The 1 yr visa is invalidated by flying out of the country and on your return flight you are given only 30 days from your arrival.

  4. February 19, 2017 at 4:45 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    Be advised there is a surprising new fee for a cruising permit for Bikini Atoll. The new mayor of Bikini will approve your visit to Bikini for only seven days max. For the interesting fee of $5,000.00 USD. YES! Payable in his office, no credit cards.

    The previous fee was $25.00, in line with most of the other atolls of the Marshalls, which are usually collected in the office of Island Affairs which issues all the cruising permits.