Tripoli - Activities, Attractions & Shopping

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The Medina in the old heart of Tripoli is on a site continuously occupied since the arrival of Phoenicians about 500 BC. Although no relics of the Phoenician settlement remain, there are traces of Roman times including the Arch of Marcus Aurelius (163 AD) constructed entirely of marble. Other sites of interest include Assaraya Al-Hamra Castle with the wonderful National Museum, built in the 1st century and the old Medina notable for Roman column embedded in each corner building. The Medina contains interesting ancient buildings dating back to 17th century, souks and mosques, of which the interior of Karamaly Mosque is particularly spectacular.

Haggling is not yet a part of market traditions in Libya. It is a well known that in the Medina in Tripoli, there is one fixed price for all.

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Tripoli was last updated 11 years ago.

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