Paros - Docking
There is a small marina here on the western side of the harbor, which in high season (until the first week in September) gets very busy. Arrive in the morning if you want to find a space.
Facilities (showers and toilets and moorings) were upgraded in 2015. Since then maintenance has been poor and there are now limited mooring rings and missing laid lines.
To reserve a berth call the Harbour Master Youla Grivea on +30 6956 098080.
Water and electricity available on the quay and included in the daily berthing fee. Payment by debit/credit only – no cash.
Quite possibly you will have to use your own anchor, which should be dropped as close as possible to the centre of the harbor to avoid entanglement with the ground tackle for the laid moorings.
Depths on average are three – five meters (10 ft – 16 ft), except on the South Quay where depths are uneven and quickly reach two meters (6.5 ft), and on the western ends of both quays where depths are shallow.
Prices are higher than in Paroikia.
(Photo of Naousa marina from Thomas Bossard)
The Meltemi does not blow as hard into Naousa as with other nearby ports, however the south side of the marina faces the swell directly, so during a Meltemi the northern side of the pier is more sheltered. During the offseason, northerly storms tend to bring a nasty swell which can be very uncomfortable.
A swell enters the marina, even in moderate conditions, making conditions sloppy. In a strong Meltemi, entering can be hazardous.
There are plans to extend the breakwater to provide more protection from any swell.
There is a boatyard to the north of Naousa in Ormos Ay Ioannou.
Near the town in calm weather, yachts anchor on the eastern side of the fort or just west of the marina. There are many anchorages around the bay.
Take great care in the approach to this bay as there is a reef spanning a large part of the entrance, through which a south-flowing current of up to 2 KNS can run at times. Shelter is good.
This is a delightful, typically Cycladic, town. The Harbour Master speaks good English.
Visiting yachts predominantly have to anchor stern-to on the outside of the quay, which suffers from the ferry swell. If this is the only option and the winds are strong, it may be safer to anchor off.
The inner harbor has laid mooring lines, however it’s mostly filled with charter boats and spaces are reserved for the charter fleets on the weekend. Anchor chains can get tangled here.
Generally good holding. Electricity and water on the quay, but can be unreliable.
In calm weather, berth to the outside of the northern mole.
This bay has a huge number of indents and shelter can always be found somewhere. The anchorage north of the city just south of “Parko” has a good holding in four meters (13 ft) over sand and is sheltered both from wind and waves.
There are anchorages also in the two bays opposite the town, but not in strong southerlies.
Last updated: August 2018
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No change since the last comment. The Harbour master advises reserving a berth in future when we arrived with no reservation.
He would only allow two mid week days as the whole dock is now reserved for charter boats.
The cruiser is slowly but surly being pushed out in favour of charterers.
Not even sure if it is legal to reserve a town quay for charter boats only???
What are cruisers paying the cruising tax for if we have to take second place to charters who pay no such tax??
Paroikia DOES have a harbormaster. Very helpful and speaks excellent English. Cost for a 15-meter boat was 8 euro per night plus water and electricity.
Anchor stern-to on the outside of the quay laid mooring lines inside the quay. Spaces inside are at a premium and reserved for charter boats on the weekend. Outside the quay can be very jolly and uncomfortable from the ferry swell.
We met one boat who had damage to his wind instruments and masthead antennas from rolling and striking the mast of the boat next to him. We suffered a broken stanchion when another boat lifted the anchor of the powerboat next to us, allowing the wind to swing him into us.
Wind was 20 knots plus, and coincided with a strong ferry wake. The resultant rolling damaged both boats. In my opinion, it is safer and more comfortable to anchor out. Easy Wash on the west side of town was the only self-service laundry facility that we found. Google them for location.
@Naussa June 2018
The marina does not work, due to court proceedings, and you Moore there for free!
if you should be asked to pay for mooring there, please ask for an invoice, this should solve the issue!
Naoussa – June 2018.
There have apparently been a few changes recently. The HM detailed in the Pilot Book, has been ‘ousted’ – apparently Court proceeding pending. The current incumbents don’t seem to have contact details and the harbour is something of a free for all.
The current HM is Julia and you will probably hear her before seeing her, although she does ride a bright pink scooter. There is a ‘deputy HM’ but he is not very much in evidence and there is seldom anyone there before 1200. Payment is by Credit / Debit Card only, no cash.
Water and electric points on all berths. Current prices per day, including electric and water, are 10 euro for a mono and 15 euro for a catamaran. As stated above, Northerly winds push a sloppy swell into the harbour which is uncomfortable even in relatively mild conditions.
– There are a number of laid moorings missing on both the south and west quay. Those on the south quay appear to be led to only one or two points and so the result is yachts mooring at converging angles.
– Some berths in the centre of the quay have no mooring rings and others no laid lines and these require use of an anchor.
– If you anchor, only do so in the centre of the harbour and be careful of the ground tackle for the laid moorings; you’ll see them in calm weather. Foul anchors are a routine.
– Depths off the south quay are a little uneven and shallow rapidly to 2 metres, the western end of both quays appear shallower than elsewhere. – – The central short quay on the east side of the harbour is for the Gin Palaces.
Arrive early and make sure you check out your intended berth for lazy lines and mooring rings. It is well lit at night, but the suitability of the berth may not be so apparent.
We were able to fill up our water tanks for free. If directed to moor alongside the stone pier, be aware there’s a lot of underwater ballast.
September 19th, 2015
Marina Naousa has swell entering even in moderate conditions, in a strong meltimi entering can be hazardous. Above it is reported that power and water are included, this is not the case.
Mooring cost for yachts up to 16 meters is 2.00 euro per meter, 3.00 euro per meter for catamarans. Power costs 2 euro per KW, yes that is correct 2 euro per KW, and water is 2 euro per 100 liters.
pixtep’s comment wrong. Naoussa is not free as detailed in the comment that follows by Chris.
The HM name is Youla Grivea (not Julia…).
Phone contact +30 6956 098080.
Info as of June 2018.
There are now mooring lines in the inner yacht harbor in Parikia.