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Finland - Immigration

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Immigration Procedure:

All visitors need a valid passport or other travel document approved by Finland when you enter the country. It must be valid for at least three months after you plan to leave the Schengen area and must be less than 10 years old.

At the border inspection, each person in the boat shall be checked for an entry or exit passport or an equivalent travel document, as well as a visa and other conditions for entry or exit for visa holders.

The master of the vessel shall provide the border inspection authority of the point of entry or exit with a list of passengers and crew or other information on the ship’s crew, passengers and other persons on board.

Other Visa Information:

Finland is a member of the Schengen Agreement Area. See Noonsite’ Schengen page for more details on the immigration rules and a link to the Schengen Visa application form.

For Visa requirements and travel documents accepted by Finland, see here.

Visa extension can be made through Local police authorities in Finland, if you cannot leave Finland and the Schengen area due to a force majeure or humanitarian reason or for serious personal reasons. For more information, visit the Police of Finland website.

Last updated:  February 2022

Border Guards (Immigration)

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Finland was last updated 2 years ago.

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  1. February 23, 2017 at 11:47 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    30MILES project – small ports on the eastern Gulf of Finland are developing fast.

    The 30MILES international cooperation project was established to develop small ports on the eastern Gulf of Finland, and six Finnish and six Estonian small ports are participating in it. The objective of the project is to harmonise the level of services, security and convenience of use of the ports. The outcome of the 30MILES project will be a ring of quality small ports every 30 miles apart around the Gulf of Finland.
    The deadline for completion of the project is May 2018.

    Further information:

  2. July 27, 2015 at 2:36 PM
    Sue Richards says:

    Posted on behalf of Sven Hegelund, s/y Njord III
    As you know, camping Gaz (butane) is not so easy to get in the Baltic. I am in Turku/Åbo in Finland and the harbourmaster of the yacht harbour on the North side of river Aura managed to get some containers delivered to Turku from Helsinki and is planning to arrange for a small storage to be kept at the harbour or nearby for the benefit of guests at the yacht harbour.

  3. June 14, 2015 at 3:06 PM
    Data Entry3 says:

    Clearance: when clearing out of Finland to a non-EU country, eg Russia, you must provide at least 4 copies of your crew list to be stamped. If then going from Russia eg to Estonia, get at least 5 copies stamped (4 for Russian border control, 1 for Estonian border control). Finland border control is relaxed about the regulation that after clearing out you must stay within a marked channel, but they emphasise that once in Russian waters you absolutely must stay within or just outside a marked channel.
    Alan Wilson, Kiitaja (in 2011)