Luperon - Clearance
See DR Formalities for detailed clearance information and fees.
Ocean World Marina, just East of Luperon, is also an official port of entry.
While the authorities in Luperon and other ports in the DR have received negative reports in the past, Luperon has been complying with the official rates list now for several years.
Clearance is straightforward with an English speaking Armada translator in their ranks, it can however be slow and you may be delayed a day until the correct officials are present.
General Clearance:
The armada/navy require all vessels to call “Romeo” Channel 68/16 when inside the bay to arrange check-in. They will instruct as to how to proceed. If having trouble making contact, phone Richard their interpretor on +1 (849) 855-5987 or +1 (809) 397-5574 our call out on VHF Ch. 68 to other cruisers who may be able to assist by phoning the Armada on your behalf.
Make sure your Q flag is hoisted and drop anchor to starboard towards the Government dock, or pick up a reserved buoy.
Stay on your boat until instructed by the Comandante/Armada. They will come out to your boat to do a vessel check before advising of the remainder of check-in.
Inspection on Board:
- You will likely be visited and boarded by 3 official departments for security (i.e. the Navy, M-2 (Intelligence) and the Department of Drugs. It is customary to offer them a cold soft drink.
Authorities Ashore:
- After the inspection on board (if that happened after check-in), the officials will advise you of the next step – usually for the skipper and crew to go ashore to complete paperwork.
- With your dinghy head towards the government dock where the authorities are located. The cruiser dinghy dock is half way down the government dock on the NW side. Through the dinghy dock security gate is a small path leading to a small bridge and the hilltop naval outpost. The commandant will record your presence, giving you legal permission to land.
- All remaining officials are situated in a group of port-a-cabins at the end of the govt. dock. There is a garbage disposal area on the way to the official offices down the dock.
- Visit Immigration first where you pay for your vessel and number of passengers and get your tourist card.
- Next the Port Authority will want to see your boat papers (vessel information) and will ask for a small fee for entry into the harbor and one month’s harbor fee.
- Finally, you will see the Department of Agriculture where there is a small fee to cover garbage disposal etc.
- When you get back to the boat, lower the Q flag and hoist the DR courtesy flag.
All fees are posted on the wall of the Portuaria office.
Entrance to the Bay: US$10
Boat Clearance Fee: US$60
Agriculture: US$20
Tourist Visa: US$10
One month Harbor Fees: US$15-20 per month depending upon the length of your vessel.
In Luperón there is no card facility but they will let you go into town to the “Banco Reservas” ATM to draw pesos. It is recommended to take your passport and get cash from the cashier as the ATM’s in this town have been known take money but not dispense the right amount of cash, or worse, swallow your card. Better still, bring US cash to pay the authorities.
Domestic Clearance:
Obtaining clearance to sail to another port in the DR is free of charge from the Navy. To arrange day-sails down to Cambiaso beach, go and see them to ask permission.
International Check-Out:
Obtaining international clearance is also free of charge. Please give 1-2 days notice as the Navy and officials will have to board your vessel again for a security check as per international law (especially if you are sailing to USA/Puerto Rico).
Please remember that you MUST obtain permission to leave port. Guard are stationed at the entrance monitoring what boats are on the “Despacho Exit List”.
You cannot leave the anchorage to drop anchor just inside the entrance to the port/bay [Pinzon anchoarge] and wait for the correct time to leave at night/early morning. You must leave before 6pm if the despacho is on that day.
- The Armada will issue local and international despachos at the latest 6pm.
- Port Authority/Customs/Immigration hours are 0800-1600 7 days a week.
- There are various overseas consulates in Puerto Plata (45 min. drive) plus embassies in the major cities in the DR.
- If putting your boat in long-term storage in Luperon, or living on board in the harbor and not visiting any other DR ports, then prior to 90 days it is possible to get a 1 year navigation permit. See Documents for more details.
Last updated: November 2021
If you have information for this section, or feedback on businesses used, please let us know at We also welcome new information about businesses you have used (see Related Businesses).
Next Section: Profile: Docking
Related to following destinations: Dominican Republic, Luperon
Port Navigation
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Please note that with Noonsite transferring all of their old comments to this new website, you will notice below that all comments are dated recently, i.e. March 11th 2019 which I have pointed out to Noonsite to see if they can add in the original date of posting, which spans over many years.
For up-to-date comments for any Face Book users, then please join the Luperon Sailors and Cruisers group page where the members and Spanish speaking officials will have a chance to defend any negative claims as there is often two sides to the story and thus be able to provide up-to-date current information as often we do not see comments on this thread.
Should you not have a FB account then feel free to contact via email and I will provide up-to-date information on check-in etc. which is very easy to do as our local town council man is at your service for free to assist with same due to possible language misunderstandings.
24 November 2019.
E-mail from Sobeida Brito – Tourism office Luperon (
We have been working so hard the last two months to make positive changes (in Luperon for visiting yachts) and passing resolutions (like agriculture now costs 20 dollars less). Also the Immigration tax per boat.
We have a new commandant who speaks fluent English.
Yesterday we finished with the Navy to organize anchoring at the entrance to the bay. There were 16 boats in the middle of the entrance. We fix the electricity. We also had a meeting with all the authorities to find the best way to keep and bring more visitors to Luperon.
There have been problems in the past, but not any more. Please…we aren’t bad people, give us the opportunity to show you we need and we want visitors…don’t judge by one case, one person’s mistake for all the citizens. Let’s tell the good things and we attract the best things.
Reported by the Caribbean Security & Safety Net – 18th August 2017:
An unoccupied trimaran on a mooring in Luperon bay had its primary mooring vandalized (released) and the in the water backup/secondary anchor and rode stolen. The boat went adrift and had damage to its stern mounted radio antenna as it struck another yacht before eventually grounding itself in the mudflats. Both yachts had minor scratches. The owner/captain made a report to the local police.
Luperon is one of the best Hurricane Holes I have (come across). Avoid Marina Tropical, (but) the rest of the people and the Boaters community are great and very helpful.
Do not attribute this incident to Luperon generally. The back story involves a dispute over money and an exceptionally belligerent gringo.
Luperon: Vandalism
Reported by CSSN: 28 April 2017
A yacht was tied to a mooring in Luperon Bay for a few hours before the owner went ashore. Vandals released the yacht, and removed all lines from it and the mooring itself during daylight hours. The yacht was seen adrift, an emergency VHF call was made and the yacht was recovered undamaged . No police report was made.
Luperon: Dinghy and Outboard Theft (not locked)
Reported by CSSN: 6 January 2017, at 0230, the owner went on deck and discovered that the dinghy painter had been cut. The thief had been very quiet, neither of his two dogs had been disturbed. He heard an outboard in the distance that sounded like his. Radio calls (68/16/09) to authorities were not answered, but another cruiser responded and helped with a search.
At 0330 the dinghy, minus its 30HP outboard was found adrift off the outside beach. Tire tracks and drag marks indicated the outboard was stolen with the assistance of a vehicle. No one was on the beach at this point, including members of the Commandant’s squad who claim to patrol there from 6 PM to 6 AM.
The next day a report was made to the police, the Commandant’s office, and on the local VHF net.
Moorings in Luperon Bay:
I do not recommend using any mooring in the bay unless you see the installation. Last week 2 boats broke off in 20 knots of wind. Just drop you anchor with ALOT of chain. There is still a dinghy dock at the city. I recommend using a stern anchor for the dinghy.
We rented a car from Franklin for 25$US.
Here in Luperon, there is lots of fruit and vegetables at small stands. For meat take a ride with a car to Sosua.Super a Publix.
15 June 2016
We are staying at the Luperon Yacht Club, with electricity and water plus A/C. Our cost per week is 69 US$ for a 42-foot sailboat. James Bennett is the dockmaster. He is a great guy. For all Customs fees with a dog, it cost us 139 US$. The Customs and Immigration were nice. At the Luperon YC, the swimming pool does not work and the bar and restaurant are closed.
Andy is still here and will fill your jerry cans with fuel. For 8 jerry cans, it cost us 135 US$. Call him on VHF Ch:68. There is still a cruisers net on Ch:68 on Sunday and Wednesday. No security issues.
Update of our May experience (see below). Thank you noonsite!
Departing Luperon recently was even more problematic. Took 2 full days to get a despacho. We lost a day on our weather window. The new Commandant seemed very sincere in his efforts to dissuade the portman from charging us $170 in harbour entrance and anchor/mooring fees. We had our receipts to show we had been at private dock/Marina the entire time….which paid for use of that private dock and various another usage. The portman “Freddy” refused to look at our documents….again.
He demanded US$ and would not accept DR pesos. We are now very familiar with all the issues of Luperon having been there over a season. We demanded a receipt with the English translation included. The receipt said for “use of the facilities and harbour entrance fee”. There are no facilities.
The dingy dock is partially sunk and is seriously broken to the extent numerous cruisers had nasty injuries. No lights at night, frequent theft. No viable garbage receptacles, and under no circumstances would we dare park our vehicles there near the dock. Trash and foul smells scattered about.
In October the Dominican Republic’s Attorney General Señor Brito, for President Medina, came to Luperon and inspected this situation. He declared all the harbour and tourist card fees charged there to be illegal. They stopped charging briefly, then started it again when a number of us cruisers departed a couple of weeks ago. They have had 4 different Commandantes during our stay. We were told explicitly that the portman has final authority over all other tourism agencies assigned to process entry. So, in fact, there are 6 agencies, not five, at Luperon. Freddy rules.
Interestingly, in the fall a national port authority “Escoto” went on a tv interview making it clear they were targeting Luperon for extra fees and spoke in terms of US$ which blatantly targets the US. ALL national rate sheets are in RD pesos. We have the transcript.
We are distraught at the suggestion of Papo to manage anything for cruisers. Please do not use him, or do so at serious risk. We did not use him but were witness to some tragic events that fell upon friends using him. There have been theft and extortion issues for cruisers associated with his ‘management’. Please contact Pantaenius Insurance to learn if they would recommend him is our advice. They had an in-depth experience.
We and another vessel did have fuel contamination issues from Luperon fuel in spite of using bios, Baja filter, fuel polishing and numerous filters to the engine that were new on departure. Our engine failed off of Cape France’s Viejo at 9 pm. Changed ALL filters again. Another that departed when we did had his engine fail numerous times while crossing the Mona from dirty fuel. He changed the filters several times underway, and feared he would run out of filters! He too had polished, used Baja, and new filters before departing.
Puerto Blanco Marina is very good. We were at their dock. As long as Leo is there you will have very good food, facilities, dingy and main dock, and safety. Our vehicle was always safe there, as are the cruisers who have motorcycles parked there.
We had a nearly identical experience to Mr Pederson. We had already paid all of the tourist immigration fees at another port of entry and were advised by that immigration officer we would owe NOTHING at Luperon. Our despacio to Luperon speaks for itself.
This nasty little G4s ‘person’ refused to acknowledge the government issued documents from the other port and threatened us he would stop us coming ashore and from leaving the harbour. Refused us access to the Commandant’s office. He basically called his own governments’ issued documents false and called us liars. Our immigration documents each had individual red serial numbers and a red seal stamped on a government letterhead form with signature, date, and amount paid. he claimed they were false papers and we would have to purchase his hockey little printed papers that anyone could have printed on a PC. No signature no numbers…. he was wearing a tag and shirt that had no official government capacity such as DR navy, immigration, customs, etc.
Yes, it is a cute town with nice people that tolerate an illegal operation at the government dock that PHYSICALLY THREATENS people. OF COURSE, the Commandant gets a cut of the action on these fake pieces of paper called ‘tourist cards’.
That is obvious, or the Commandant would put a stop to it. The harbour waters and high water mark are owned by the DR Nation, not some mafia styled organization. This G4s person claims he does the same thing in Samana so beware. After what just happened in Samana with a kidnapping of cruisers and this recent posture of the Commandant in Luperon….it seems best to bypass DR.
Luperon is a great harbour, well sheltered, excellent holding and a nice town. Unfortunately, the port officials are very unpleasant. A young well-dressed man with a flash car and a G4S badge who works from the port authority office insisted we paid $10 US each for ‘tourist permits’. We checked with CESTUR in town (armed tourist security officials) and they told us we shouldn’t pay anything and refer the port guy to them.
We put off the payment for a few days, but eventually, we were no longer allowed out of the port into town. We had to accept a lift to the ATM, and pay up. Meanwhile, some people who arrived at the same time as we were not allowed to leave (because of the weather, which was poor for just a few hours) for over 2 days, and all five of them had to re-arrange flights. When we asked for a despacho to leave, we were told we’d have to pay another 1500 pesos and provide photocopies of our passports (again) – all the following day, which is the day we intended to leave.
Since the weather window for our trip was small and we were fed up with the officials, we did a runner at dawn (despite no engines and very little wind!). Be warned too that the bank is very unreliable. The only ATM is currently broken (somebody smashed it). When it worked, it only sometimes worked, and only coughed up smaller amounts than 2000 pesos. Changing money inside the bank never took less than an hour, sometimes two.
Have been here about 6 weeks and love, love, love the people here! Commandante Brian was given a promotion due to his great work here and things are a little more lax because of it. Theft of fuel at the dinghy dock is on the rise and it remains to be seen what the new commandant will do about it. Other than that, our experience has been completely crime free and we highly recommend this anchorage to cruisers.
For some great photos of Luperon from a visit April 2014 see
It was reported on the Cruiseheimers SSB Net that the fuel being sold by tenders in the Luperon Harbor in the Dominican Republic has been contaminated. One vendor with the tender named “Ronnie” has been particularly bad about having contaminated fuel. It was not specified whether the fuel was gasoline or diesel fuel. So if you are buying fuel in Luperon, be careful and use your Baha Filter.