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Cook Islands - Bio-Security

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  • All COVID-19 imposed requirements were lifted on 31 March, 2023.
  • Please check you meet entry, health, and immigration requirements and follow the government advice should you become ill with COVID-19 during your travel.
  • The only ports of entry are Avatiu port, Rarotonga and Arutanga Port, Aitutaki.
  • Palmerson Island is now open with pre-application to enter.
  • See Clearance for full entry details.
  • Suwarrow National Park remains closed and no approval will be granted to any vessel seeking to visit at this time.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
+682 29347



Retreat from Paradise (December 2020)


  • On 09 March, 2020, all shipping vessels and yachts were prohibited from docking/anchoring in the outer Islands of the Cook Islands. Rarotonga was the only Island in the Cook Islands authorised to receive shipping vessels and yachts, granted they meet the 14 day quarantine requirement.
  • On 12 March, 2020, the Palmerston Island Council placed a ban on all small pleasure craft from visiting until further notice.
  • On 16 March, 2020, the Cook Islands government put in place a temporary ban on all
    cruise ships, pleasure crafts and yachts entering Cook Islands waters. At this stage the ban was to run through to 30 June 2020, however it continues to be extended.
  • On 24 March, 2020, every person seeking entry to the Cook Islands, including returning Cook Islanders and Cook Islands residents, had to meet a minimum of 14 days quarantine in New Zealand. See Government Announcement.
  • Cook Island Preparing to Re-Open to International Visitors (Cook Islands Tourist Board) – November 2020
  • The vaccination program started in May 2021.
  • December 2021: Yacht Denied Entry into Avatiu Harbor
  • Air borders reopened on 13 January 2022 allowing for two-way quarantine-free travel from New Zealand.
  • 1 May, 2022 maritime borders opened to vaccinated travelers.
  • 31 March, 2023, all Covid restrictions were lifted.


Biosecurity Clearance:

See for the latest details.

As mentioned above in Clearance – all vessels arriving in the Cook Islands must advise Biosecurity Cook Islands of arrival port and date, at Email:

On arrival, you will need to present a Master’s Certificate pertaining to any meat, live plants and live animals on board. In many cases, there will be a set time for attendance (i.e. 7 am and 3 pm) where a Biosecurity officer is present.

Animals, plants, and fruit will be inspected as the Cook Islands are free of serious diseases and pests, and their economy depends very much on agriculture.

Some of your goods may be seized, especially any fruit and vegetables. The Officer has the power to search the entire vessel and seize any risky products.  It is advisable not to arrive with a lot of fresh supplies. Fortunately, good local fruit is available.

The Officer may also spray your vessel for insects.

You will receive a written clearance from a Biosecurity Officer once they are satisfied that all significant risks have been removed.

You are permitted to bring frozen food, canned food, and vacuum packed products. These must be declared  on arrival.

Last updated:  April 2023

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Cook Islands was last updated 2 years ago.

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  1. October 18, 2021 at 10:53 PM
    nelson-mitchellusa-net says:

    AITUTAKI. Dredging has started to improve the entrance and Channel to the harbour. When finished, it will be 5m deep and 15m wide. The south and north basin either side of the wharf, will be 4m deep. The north basin will be for visitors. The south basin will provide space for local boats and visitors. Initially, visitors will anchor and tie back. When funds are available, moorings and shore facilities wil be provided.
    The Cook Islands Ministry of Transport and sports and Tourism will publish correct marine information relating to access as more details are known mid-2022.