Businesses Listings for: Water
Castletownbere Harbour
Address: Location 51° 38.8'N, 09° 54.45'W, Harbour Master, Harbour Master, Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centre, Castletownbere, Ireland
VHF Channel 14, 16 Berthing on the quay (if space). Water and diesel on the quay. Supermarket on Main street, also a bank. Harbourmaster may ...
Glengarriff Harbour
Address: Location 51° 44.2'N, 09° 31.9'W
Not a formal harbour, but a beautiful bay with both good anchorages and 6 yellow visitors' buoys. Do not use the channel spanned by the high voltage ...
Florio Yacht Club S.R.L.
Address: Via Molo Sud Porto, Palermo (PA), Sicily, Italy, 90100
South Mole of the commercial port with excellent service. Berths set up for larger boats 20-25 metres. In summer 24-hour personnel on site. Fuel Quay ...
El Milagro Marina
Address: Milagro Del Mar Isla Mujeres S.A. DE C.V, MZA.77, MZA.77, SMZA.2 Lote 04 AVE Rueda Medina, Y ZONA Federal Mar Caribe, Q. ROO, Isla Mujeres, East coast, Mexico, 77400
Location 21° 14.60'N, 86° 44.47'W New small marina within walking distance of the town. all facilities, laundry, mini-market, internet, BBQ, ...
B & C Fuels
Address: Petit Martinique, Grenada
VHF Channel 16 'Golf Sierra'Fuel, water, large dock, easy to approach, but be sure to use plenty of fenders as the dock is concrete. Best ...
Carriacou Marine Ltd.
Address: South West Tyrell Bay (Carriacou), Grenada
Boatyard with dock space and ten (10) moorings. Water, electricity, showers (available for customers with boats on the hard), toilets, laundry. ...