Businesses Listings for: Water
Cammeray Marina
Address: 46 Cowdroy Avenue, Cammeray, New South Wales, Australia, 2062
Situated in Long Bay. Max. length 65ft. The marina has a range of swing moorings and berths available. Facilities include shower, laundry, power, ...
Sejlklubben Lynetten
Address: Refshalevej 200, Copenhagen K, Denmark, 1432
Sailing and yacht club with excellent facilities. Mooring is bow-on. Fuel, water, gas, chandlery and bike hire. Travel to downtown Copenhagen via the ...
Beadon Creek Marina
Address: Beadon Creek RD, Onslow, Western Australia, 6710
There is short-stay berthing on the public wharf. Basic facilities include water, electricity, toilets and cold showers. Longer stay mooring is on ...
Carnarvon Yacht Club
Address: 3 West Street, Carnarvon, Western Australia, 6701
Entrance to the marina is via the Fascine Channel, which is the main waterway that runs through the centre of the town.The club has a ...
Geraldton Yacht Club
Address: Marine Terrace, Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia, 6530
Complete range of services available including water, electricity and gas station. It is a marina with moderate capacity for large size boats, ...
Port Olona
Address: Quai Alain Gerbaud, Les Sables d'Olonne, Atlantic, France, 85100
VHF Channel 09, 16 This is a large marina with all facilities. Water and electricity to all pontoons. Showers (tokens from the office) opposite ...