Businesses Listings for: Fuel
Balboa Yacht Club
Address: Amador Causeway, (next to Country Inn & Suites Hotel / Fridays Restaurant), (next to Country Inn & Suites Hotel / Fridays Restaurant), Balboa, Pacific, Panama
The Club offers swing moorings but capacity is limited and it is difficult to obtain a buoy here during the high season (January through April). ...
Marina Hemingway
Address: 5ta Ave y 248 Santa Fe, Hemingway Marina (Havana), Cuba
Facilities include water and electricity on most docks, showers, laundry, WiFi (of varying speed), fuel dock, pool and boatyard. While prices have ...
The Royal Belau Yacht Club
Address: Box 7076, Koror, Palau, 96940
RBYC warmly welcomes all cruising yachts and visiting pleasure craft and is happy to assist with Vessel Entry Clearance and other arrangements. ...
Nene’s Marina
Address: No address available
location 12° 34´ 84"N, 81° 41´ 93" W Tel:578 512 6139 ,VHF Channel 16, 14
Puerto Barillas Marina and Lodge
Address: Km. 108.5- CA2 (Carreteral El Litoral), desvío Hacienda La Carrera, desvío Hacienda La Carrera, Usulután (Bahía de Jiquilisco), El Salvador
This marina - with mooring buoys - welcomes visiting yachts. Services Inc. dinghy dock, showers, restaurant & pool. There is a fuel dock next to ...
Marina Isla Canela
Address: Avda. de la Mojarra, s/n, s/n, Ayamonte, Huelva, Spain, 21409
All facilities, 231 berths (floating dock and dock finger), 2.5m to 6m draft, up to 24m LOA, fuel berth, travel lift (32T), crane, shore storage, ...