Trinidad, Chaguaramas, TTSA: Spate of Thefts – September 2018
During September there were 9 incidents reported in Trinidad, all occurring in the TTSA mooring field/anchorage. TTSA, YSATT, and TTCG are working together to increase and improve patrols, and to streamline communications in the case of any further activity. Other marinas in the area have been informed and have taken appropriate measures.
Published 7 years ago, updated 6 years ago
Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad Chaguaramas TTSA- Thefts September 2018
DATE: 2018-09-16 19:50
Country Name:Trinidad/Tobago
Location Detail: Trinidad Chaguaramas TTSA
EVENT: Burglary
Stolen Items: dinghy/outboard
DETAILS: A dinghy/outboard were stolen from an unoccupied yacht. The marina security patrol noticed the activity but was unable to intercept/intervene. Thieves were observed departing with the dinghy to the SE, and the CG advised.
DATE: 2018-09-15 00:00
Country Name:Trinidad/Tobago
Location Detail: Trinidad Chaguaramas TTSA
EVENT: Burglary
Stolen Items: 11 ft Apex dinghy with 8 HP Mariner outboard, GPS, flare kit, propane tank
DETAILS: An unoccupied yacht was burgled overnight. The dinghy was raised on davits and locked to the yacht, thieves cut the locking cable. The sliding door lock was also compromised, the interior ransacked. The owner noted that a GPS and flare kit were taken from the interior as well as a propane tank from a cockpit locker. A report was made to TTSA management, the Coast Guard and police. Boats on adjacent moorings suffered similar consequences the same night (boat #1 of 7 burgled this same night).
DATE: 2018-09-15 01:00
Country Name:Trinidad/Tobago
Location Detail: Trinidad Chaguaramas TTSA
EVENT: Burglary
Stolen Items: Tohatsu 18 HP, other TBD
DETAILS: An unoccupied yacht was burgled overnight. (boat #2 of 7 burgled this same night)
DATE: 2018-09-15 01:30
Country Name:Trinidad/Tobago
Location Detail: Trinidad Chaguaramas TTSA
EVENT: Burglary
Stolen Items: dinghy/outboard, tools, other TBD
DETAILS: An unoccupied yacht was burgled overnight. (boat #3 of 7 burgled this same night)
Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad Chaguaramas TTSA- Attempted Dinghy Theft September 2018
DATE: 2018-09-04 01:30
Country Name:Trinidad/Tobago
Location Detail: Trinidad Chaguaramas TTSA
EVENT: Attempted theft
Stolen Items: Dinghy and engine
SECURED: Not Locked
Owners were awakened by the noise around 0130 HRs and quickly discovered that their yacht had been boarded and their dinghy/25HP outboard had been cut from its davits, by two thieves in an open fishing boat about 16-18 ft. in length. Shining a bright light and yelling by the captain caused the driver of the fishing boat to retrieve his partner from the stolen dinghy, which they abandoned before speeding off toward Chaguaramas, leaving behind the knife that had been used to cut the davit lines. The captain swam out and retrieved the dinghy, and the next day a report was made on the VHF net, to TTSA management, the Coast Guard and the police.
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