Trinidad and Tobago, Chaguaramas: Thieves Attempt to Steal Dinghy
Thieves attempted to steal a dinghy that was lifted and locked on a yacht in the Chaguaramas anchorage, Trinidad but were unsuccessful, taking only the fuel line.
Published 3 years ago
LOCATION: Trinidad and Tobago – Trinidad – Chaguaramas – Anchorage
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: Dinghy Fuel Line, 6mm locking cable cut (dinghy hoisted)
DETAILS: Cruisers anchored in Chaguaramas awoke to find that a thief had boarded overnight and cut the cable locking the outboard engine on the dinghy to the yacht, which was raised on davits. The thieves were not successful at removing the outboard, but were able to steal the fuel line.
Related to following destinations: Chaguaramas, Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Caribbean, Piracy & Security