Pirates, Costs and Baksheesh for the Red Sea Passage

Published 14 years ago, updated 7 years ago

Dear Noonsite

I have been receivng a number of enquiries related to the passage to the Red Sea. It seemed appropriate, therefore, to collate all the information and submit it to you for inclusion on noonsite. Read Report here [BROKEN LINK].

Skippers in Indonesia are already making plans and I am particularly concerned about the Red Sea piracy attacks, so I spent some time discussing that with others and then offered my considered view which might help next year’s passage makers think more about that section of the trip.

Costs have rocketed, so although the pilot guide says $1,000 might be enough, in actual fact to transit the Red Sea you need at least $1,800.

I have subjected the report to peer review to ensure that the facts are correct and that my own views are acceptable or in accord with others who have already made the trip.

Hopefully it will be of some help to the 150 or so yachts making the passage next year and I personally hope that I have allayed the fears many have of making the passage through the GofA.

As an aside, the magazine Yachting Australia contacted me after reading he convoy notes on noonsite – the upshot is I have wrtitten an article for them with photos which will be published soon. This is in addition to the Yachting Monthly article in their October edition. I will be giving some of the proceeds to a suitable Somali charity.

Tom Sampson


s/y Katanne

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