Papua New Guinea, Kandrian: Armed Attack on Yacht
Yachts traveling to or from Australia through Papua New Guinea should research carefully where is safe to stopover as some areas might best be avoided. SV Screensaver, on passage back to Australia recently, was boarded by armed men in Kandrian, New Britain and the occupants were badly injured.
Published 3 years ago, updated 2 years ago
This first hand report was provided to Noonsite by Sherry McCampbell from SV Soggy Paws on behalf of the vessel targeted in the attack. It was posted on the Sail SE Asia Facebook page.
SV Screensaver attacked in Kandrian, New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
“Approximately 1am four people boarded Screensaver, the leader was armed with a locally made gun, that fortunately failed to fire. He led the charge with head down gun aimed at me. Had he not been armed I would have let them have what they wanted. As it was clear I couldn’t defend against (3 inside 1 waiting) and the leaders charge and subsequent attempted firing convinced me I had nothing to lose.

“The fight ensued, (I had a machete) but of course I had no chance of holding them off. The leader lost his gun when I struck it on the initial charge and he never got to retrieve it during the fight, only in departure. While I was dealing with the leader, another was bashing me on the back and head with some sharp heavy implement. The third one was making Yanina hand over phones and wallets. I had a fake wallet out since being in PNG, so in that regard they got old expired credit cards and about 10kina, along with four phones. As soon as they departed, we also left.
“I am short a few more teeth, have the first black eye in my life, my face was pummeled, lost more teeth. My back and back of the head has many lacerations with much blood loss, but otherwise depending on whether there is any internal bleeding, I believe I might be ok.
“Yanina was also struck once very hard on the arm giving her a few lacerations and forced to sit down, and hand over the items while they beat on me. She was not harmed in any other way. As a net result I would not advise anyone to come this way any longer unless you are well armed and familiar with its use.”
Published on behalf of Alan Pascoe.
Related Links:
SY Screensaver report on the attack for the Down Under Rally Ahoy Sailing News
Noonsite – Papua New Guinea Security Section
Noonsite has not independently verified this information.
Related to following destinations: New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Piracy & Security, Southeast Asia
My Name is Alan Pascoe the above report was provided to Sherry by me Owner and Victim. Some additional information can be found on my blog site..
Thank you Alan for taking the time to share this link. Your website report has great detail and some good hindsight thoughts, plus recommendations for cruisers visiting PNG. We wish you a speedy recovery and safe onward cruising.
Kandrian was a bad area when we cruised there in 1976 and again in 1979. Other dangerous areas include Lae, Port Moresby, and Kieta on Bouganville. Trobriand Island locals like to steal whatever they can from yachts, preferably when the crew is ashore or out swimming.
It’s not getting any better PNG. Alotu and the bay into Alotau, reports from locals is more attacked while heading into town AM and going home PM.
I’ve been in Cavedos islands last 5 month without any problem. My advice only visit small islands. Stay away from towns with bee sale, and lots of shops. Even at Misima 8sland port, young guys are making trouble for locals coming in to sell fish. All the shops have fence all around the shops