Common sense practice for safe passage from Salalah to Aden
Published 15 years ago, updated 7 years ago
From a cruiser who has done the same trip
From Salalah, you will find many yachts on their way to the Red Sea all in the same position. Form a convoy with similar vessels (maintaining the same speed) and discuss the following rules of passage:
- Assign a group leader, acting as the sole one to take the group
– Not more than 5 or 6 boats together being able to maintain the same speed
– Keep 5 or 6 miles off Yemen coast, no further!! (don’t use the corridor!)
– You will come across fishing nets so you must have a plan to cut nets off the propeller of any one boat if necessary
– Boats to be half a mile apart maximum
– Do not use nav lights at night but low power flashing lights just like the fishing boats
– Switch off AIS, switch on in case of attack
– Switch off Radar enhancers, again, switch on in case of attack
– Have radar on
– Listen out on both CHF 08 and 16
– Only speak on VHF if necessary and just 2W power channels
– Only very very short conversations on VHF
– Pre-arrange code names for places and waypoints
– Make a plan what to do when an attack occurs, who does what
– Very important, EVERYBODY must promise to keep together
– Decide beforehand whether to call in at Mukalla for diesel or a stop
– Decide beforehand towing plan if someone’s engine fails
– In case of emergency, call Mayday on both channel 16 and 08, try to keep the pirates away for as long as possible – even a short while will make assistance possible
– In case of boarding, stop the engine, remain calm, don’t resist.
Related to following destinations: Oman, Port Salalah (Mina Raysut), Yemen
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Convoys, Gulf of Aden / Indian Ocean / Red Sea, Piracy & Security