Caribbean: Dominica, Roseau – Burgled whilst asleep

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted on 2010-01-21

On Monday, June 29, 2009, we were boarded and robbed at Roseau, Dominica.

We were on a mooring ball with 4 other boats (our friends) near the Anchorage Hotel. The boat boy was Poncho and we believe he had something to do with it because of a disagreement at the fuel dock (our boat was damaged and he still wanted 100% of his fee, which was unknown to us).

Approx 3 am we were boarded whilst asleep in the forepeak. The companionway doors were shut and the hatch closed but not locked. They lifted one side of the cafe doors off the hinges and slipped into the boat that way. Somehow they knew to get to my backpack (maybe night vision goggles) without disturbing anything else. My backpack was taken from the settee right beside our bed where we were both sleeping. They had gone to the back step and went through everything in the backpack and only took the cash approx $150 US.

We didn’t realize what had happened until we were sailing after leaving the mooring ball at 4 am and headed to Martinique. We first found my wallet in the back of the cockpit and saw that the money was gone. Then we checked the back step and found my backpack there with misc cards strewn about.

Needless to say, we were quite upset that our boat had been penetrated and relieved that no injury had come to us.

Barbara Melson

Message Received 2010-08-08

Having operated in the Roseau Bay for over 10 years I am very disappointed that the Melson’s believe I had anything to do with their boat being burgled. This is categorically untrue and I am both disappointed and astonished that they have made such an allegation.

Equally, I am disappointed they had a negative experience in Roseau. I earn my living from the boats that come and moor here; it damages my business when an incident like this happens as we all know word travels fast in the yachting world and potential visitors just sail on by. I was part of the initiative to start night security patrols and have worked hard to ensure Roseau Bay is a safe and secure harbour for our visitors.

Thank you to all who have contacted me to tell me they do not believe the Melson’s posting and will be happy to use Pancho Services in future.

Pancho James; Pancho Services

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