Buenos Aires to San Francisco
Beneteau 51.5 – single-handed delivery trip back home
Buenos Aires to San Francisco
Departed Buenos Aires March 14th 2012.
Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago
Facts about this voyage:
- 8,820: Nautical Miles sailed on this journey (that’s 10,150 regular miles or 16,335 kilometres)
- 54: Number of Days underway
- 82: Degrees of latitude sailed
- 111: Degrees of longitude sailed (1/3 of the planet)
- 39: Number of days sailing in the tropics
- 6.80: Average speed in knots for the entire voyage
- 232: Most nautical miles sailed in a 24-hour period
- 94: Least nautical miles sailed in a 24-hour period
- 13: Percentage of days sailing upwind
- 100: Percent of days with sunshine
- 0: Number of days I wore foulies
- 71: Ounces of bottled water I consumed on a daily average for cooking and drinking
- 2: Ounces of alcohol consumed during the entire voyage (rum with Neptune at the equator)
- 21: Number of countries whose waters I sailed in
- 3: Number of oceans I sailed in (South Atlantic, North Atlantic, North Pacific- plus the Caribbean Sea)
- 1: Number of freshwater lakes I sailed in (Gatun Lake in Panama – part of the canal)
Buenos Aires – Panama
This was 33 days non-stop, single-handed. Most days, wind speeds were in the 8-15 knot range, but there were two 6-hour periods of 25 knots along the coast of Brazil, and the last day approaching Panama was 15-25 knots. Only 2 days with wind forward of the beam, and lots of days with the asymmetrical spinnaker flying in warm tropical winds. As I used the engine for making electricity, engine hours isn’t a worthwhile statistic.
I stopped in Panama, leaving the boat in the Shelter Bay marina for 17 days while I flew home. Total cost, including wifi and taxes, was $705, or about $41/day for a 51-foot sailboat.
See report by David re. advance planning for the Panama Canal here
Also see his Panama Canal Transit report here.
Panama to San Francisco
I exited the Pacific side of the Panama Canal on May 5, and it was 21 days, non-stop, single-handed, to San Francisco. My original plan was to take the offshore route, and I budgeted 5 weeks for that. But when I was leaving Panama, the weather said no. Winds were very light offshore and looked to stay that way for a while. It didn’t make sense to motor 500 miles directly offshore, just to keep motoring with no wind. So I headed up the coast in light winds, taking advantage of the offshore breeze to reach up the coasts of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, motor-sailing when it got too light. I crossed the Gulf of Tehuantepec a day before a Tehuantepecker blasted through, so had no issues there. Southern Mexico up to Manzanillo was light, with offshore breeze at night, and west winds in the afternoon to 15 knots, so a big zig-zag up the coast, tacking twice a day. The typical NW winds were absent due to a small offshore low, which allowed me to reach from Manzanillo directly to Cabo San Lucas- very lucky. It was an easy bash up to San Diego, then light SE winds in California let me sail straight to Point Conception, and I never saw more than 15 knots after that all the way to San Francisco. By far the easiest run up the Pacific coast I have ever done.
David Kory
Related to following destinations: Argentina, Brazil, Buenos Aires, Cabo San Lucas, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Manzanillo, Mexico, Panama, San Diego, San Francisco, USA, West Coast (Mexico), West Coast (USA)
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Atlantic Ocean West, Pacific Ocean East, Routing