An Update to Mayotte

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

We are currently visiting Mayotte (September 2011) and have an update regarding the inward clearing rules and further general information.


We arrived early in the morning at Mayotte and radioed in from about 15NM. No answer. We then entered Mayotte through the Passe de Bandele without any problems and anchored at Dzaoudzi. We contacted the Capitaine du Port again to be requested to come to his office. There we met a very friendly Capitaine who rewarded our basic French with his basic English. We filled out a form, which he stamped and asked us to proceed to the douane (customs) office, where we found an equally friendly customs officer. He asked whether we had weapons and/or merchandise on board. We answered no on both accounts. He then stamped the form and we took the taxi (standard 1.20Euro pp each way and shared with others) to the airport. At the immigration counter, we had our passports stamped (no duration, but standard 3 months – Schengen!) and they put their stamp on the form. We then returned to the harbourmaster and left the form in a mailbox outside his office. It was by then midday and most offices and shops are closed during lunch.

Two days later we were cornered by the capitaine on his motorbike, who was aware of our alternator problems and gave us an address where to have it fixed.

His office is open on the weekend only between 7 and 9 am.

Passe de Bandele

There were reports that entering through this pass is illegal. This is not correct. But sometimes with a heavy easterly swell entering here would be dangerous.


The internet here is awful. Don’ t use any telephone companies. They are outrageously expensive and don’t deliver. We spent about 50 euros in trying to order something over the internet, without any result. However, there is an independent company, Mayotspot, who sells internet access cards (E49 for 1 month and 1 Gb) who has access to a separate satellite and it works quite well, even on the boat with an external antenna.

Local yacht club

This has been reported as unfriendly. Not true at all. People are very friendly and foreigners are welcome and can even take out a temporary membership. They also have a washing machine and a bar.


There is a general anchoring area which has a floating jetty. All dinghies and other boats appeared to be unlocked and many had their starting cords on the motor.

Conclusion: the place seems to be pretty safe.

Fien & Hans

SV Pelikaan



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