Hurricane Tomas in Saint Lucia

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Hurricane Tomas in Saint Lucia – Sailors can help the island recover

Hurricane Tomas, which struck Saint Lucia earlier this week, caused considerable damage to areas in the south of the island, including damage to houses, bridges, and roads.

However, sailors should still continue to visit Saint Lucia.

Rodney Bay Marina, which is in the north of the marina is not damaged, and the General Manager Adam Foster comments: “The marina suffered no damage and the bridges that washed away will be repaired before ARC yachts arrive in early December. Power is back on but water is not expected to be back till mid-November.” (date of quote 03/11/2010)

Visiting Saint Lucia

It is important that sailors continue to visit Saint Lucia. Tourism is vital to the Saint Lucian economy, and by visiting the island and spending money locally, you will be supporting local jobs and enterprises. Yachts visiting and spending money in the economy will also help sustain the island through what must be an extremely difficult time.

Sailors can give practical help

Yachts planning to head to the Caribbean can help in practical ways. When asked what practical help could sailors offer, La Vaughn Francis of Saint Lucia Tourist Board replied:

“Supplies would be most useful at this time and I have spoken to the Red Cross and NEMO teams who have indicated that canned foods and dry goods are most needed.”

Tinned food & dried goods needed

An appeal has been made to the 250 yachts taking part in this year’s Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) for supplies. Any other yachts planning to sail to the Caribbean are also asked to help if they can.

If you have spare provisions, or space onboard to take extra tinned and dried foods, then please take as much as you can. The Red Cross in Saint Lucia will collect the food and arrange for it to be distributed to the neediest. In addition to yachts taking excess food supplies to offer on arrival, World Cruising Club will organize a cash collection at the final ARC prizegiving in St Lucia.

Some of the goods needed include:

Canned foods especially evaporated milk, dry foodstuffs, water containers, batteries, flasks, small transistor radios, lanterns or flashlights/torches, cleaning supplies, sanitary wipes/hand sanitizers, blankets, bed sheets, sleeping bags, children’s disposable diapers/nappies and wipes, infant food and formula, female sanitary products, adult disposable diapers/nappies and toiletries like toothpaste, soaps, toothbrushes.

Helping in other ways

The Saint Lucia High Commission in London has established a disaster relief fund and would welcome donations. All of the money will be used directly in the rebuilding of people’s lives in Saint Lucia.

Bank: Barclays, London

Account: 23839265 – Saint Lucia Disaster Relief Fund

Sort Code: 20-35-90


IBAN: GB34BARC20359023839265

All donations are appreciated. More information on the Saint Lucia High Commission website:

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