Cuba: New Up to date Cruising Guide Now Available

A free Cruising Guide to Cuba is now available to download from

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

August 7, 2013:  Free Cruising Guides is pleased to announce that the first complete cruising guide to Cuba to be published in more than a decade is available at completely free and without registration as a downloadable PDF. It will also be available at fine Ebook sellers the first week of September in Ebook format with interactive table of contents.

The guide is more than 500 pages and covers the entirety of Cuba. The authors, Amaia Agirre and Frank Virgintino, have created a comprehensive work that should accompany anyone who wants to cruise Cuba. Complete with harbor by harbor and anchorage by anchorage coverage of the entire country, A Cruising Guide to Cuba promises to be a first among guides and contains an annotated bibliography for those who want to further explore the topics that arose during the more than 2 years and thousands of hours of time that it took to develop A Cruising Guide to Cuba.

The complexity of cruising the intricate and stunning archipelagos off the north and south coasts of Cuba as well as the possibilities offered by many of the numerous pocket bays that punctuate the Cuban coastline behind world-class reefs is addressed with detailed waypoints and course headings. While this information in no way substitutes for the navigational responsibility of captains, it does provide a baseline for planning a cruise to explore the waters of this fascinating country.

The authors do not just leave readers at the dock but provide commentary and photos to introduce readers to the villages, towns, and landscapes they can encounter within walking or bici-taxi distance of their boat, or in onshore excursions by car or bus, in the course of a Cuban cruising adventure.

No one works harder than Free Cruising Guides to bring the best of guides to the marketplace for cruising boats and to bring them there at no cost to the user. For readers who prefer eBook format, A Cruising Guide to Cuba will be available next month at your favorite eBookstore.

(Editor’s Note: see Noonsite’s Review here)

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  1. April 28, 2022 at 7:39 AM
    michell says: was a website that housed all of Frank Virgintino’s FREE cruising guides for the Caribbean. This website is no longer in operation and all Virgintino’s guides must now be purchased through Amazon.

    The SSCA [] have all guides on their website – available to members.
    It’s also possible to search on Google where you can still find some versions hosted on cruisers’ websites.