Customs and Immigration – New Plymouth (Green Turtle Cay)
Business Contact Info
Parliament Street
New Plymouth
Contact Details:
Phone: (+1242) 3654077

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  1. January 18, 2020 at 3:12 AM
    jhar27ris says:

    We are presently here in Green Turtle Cay with our sailing vessel, Samana. Please note – There is no longer any Customs and Immigration in New Plymouth since the Customs office was destroyed by the hurricane.

    Customs and Immigration has been relocated at China Harbour on Great Abaco Island. This is a commercial harbour just north of Cooperstown and is shown in the Explorer Chartbook. Their hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays.

    Harbour entrance is wide and deep. Just enter and tie up on the wall. Looking straight back from the wall you will find the office. Very easy clearance procedure.

    Jean Harris
    s/v Samana