South East Asia Pilot

A guide encompassing approximately 600,000 square miles of some of the best cruising grounds in the world.
Seven countries are included: Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia and India’s Andaman Islands, each of which are covered in detail.
The 6th edition sees the addition of Cairns (Australia), Vanuatu, The Solomon Islands and Greater China. Major updates to the chapters on Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia and minor updates to Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore, Raja Ampat and Palau.
See more details here and here.
(NOTE: This version of the SEAP covers only the Andaman Islands and does not cover mainland India.)
By: Bill O’Leary & Andy Dowden
Publisher: Image Asia Press
ISBN 9786169345206
Related to following destinations: Andaman Islands, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Palau (Belau), Philippines, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Books, Pilot Book