South Africa to the Caribbean

The cruising route from South Africa to the Caribbean has become increasingly popular in recent years, due to concerns over security along the Red Sea route.
Author Chris Hamblin has compiled this useful planning guide for the RCCPF Pilotage Foundation. He has brought together his own research along with cruising information and photos contributed to the Pilotage Foundation by yachtsmen and women who have sailed these routes in recent years.
All 122 pages are available as a free download.
Author: Chris Hamblin
Published: 19 August 2019 by RCC Pilotage Foundation
PDF High Resolution, 122 pages
Related to following destinations: Ascension Island, Brazil, Namibia, South Africa, St. Helena, Trinidad & Tobago
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Atlantic Crossing, Atlantic Ocean East, Atlantic Ocean South, Atlantic Ocean West, Routing