Croatia: Sailing Croatia on a Shoestring

Sailing Croatia on a Shoestring
Proving it’s possible to sail in Croatia on a budget
By Ian Moulding
Available on Amazon
Cruiser Ian Moulding wrote this book following his own experience cruising Croatia for 3 months in 2019. Having heard lots of reports of high costs and overzealous officials handing out large fines for transgressions of a myriad of regulations, he had approached cruising the country with caution. However, many of the rumors turned out to be unfounded and his own experience was one of tranquil (free) anchorages and town quays where if you ate in the restaurant you didn’t get charged for the night. A useful book for anyone planning on cruising Croatia.
Related to following destinations: Croatia
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Books, Country Cruising Guide