Thoughts on the Fate of s/v Quest

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

At we were all deeply saddened by the loss of lives onboard Quest and share the grief felt by all those who love the sea and the freedom it brings. Whilst is primarily an information site, not a blogging site, the tragedy that befell the crew of ‘Quest’ has had a deep impact on the whole of the cruising community.

We feel it is appropriate to publish extracts from some of the communications that we have received.

From an article in by Nancy Knudsen

The yachting community worldwide has been horrified and appalled by the shooting of four cruising sailors in the Indian Ocean this week, see Sail-World story. It has taken the dangers for cruising sailors crossing the Indian Ocean to a new level, and, according to TTT Rally leader, Rene Tiemessen, whose rally had been turned down for an escort, there are still around 100 yachts attempting the crossing. “It’s not over yet,” he commented by satellite to me after the tragedy.

From Tom Sampson of s/y Katanne

“Their deaths have devastated us all and many of us are still coming to terms with the horror of it and the consequences. ”

“I know that I will always remember Jean ,Scott, Phyllis and Robert as will the rest of their circumnavigating family and that we will continue to follow the dream they had.”

From Bill Rouse of SV Bebe

“We cannot allow a bunch of thugs to take an entire ocean away from the world. Ignoring this will be disrespecting the deaths of the crew of Quest,”

“I am not on-board with the armed escort discussion.

We need to solve the problem, not just kill the pirates with armed escorts…and if you do not think that armed escorts are all about killing then you do not understand arming. ”

“A small group of us is proposing keeping this issue alive and in front of the International Community and politicians through social networking and supported by organizations like the SSCA, RYA, etc. ”

Bill has designed a burgee the proceeds from the sale of which will be used to support programs to keep Quest and piracy a “hot subject” and to lobby for change.

To see the design of the proposed burgee, click here

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